FAOBMB 2019: Distinguished scientists from across Asia-Pacific to converge in Malaysia

25 October 2018, KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has won the bid to host the 27th Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemist and Molecular Biologist (FAOBMB) Conference, which will be held in conjunction with the 44th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSBMB) on 19th – 22nd August 2019, at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The theme of FAOBMBKL2019 is ‘Biomolecules: Networks & Systems’, with a special IUBMB symposia on ‘Mosquito-Borne Illnesses’.

This event will celebrate MSBMB’s induction as an adhering body of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), providing avenues for Malaysian scientists to collaborate with international institutions with highly specialised expertise and technologies, further elevating the quality of Malaysian research. Over 4 days, 18 Symposia Sessions and 3 Forums (Women in Science, Education; Young Career Development) will be held to discuss issues related to academia and research within the Asia Pacific region.

The conference promises to highlight ground-breaking discoveries and translational research outcomes, which include presentations by winners of the internationally-acclaimed Tang Prize and Mahathir Science Award. Prof. Dr. Andrew Wang (President of IUBMB) emphasised IUBMB’s commitment to balancing inequality in science education and technological advancements in Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific region. “Scientists play a key role in assisting governments and communities to help solve many problems plaguing the region.” He added, ”Discoveries involving Malaysia’s vast natural resources and plant species can create many opportunities for rural communities.”

“This Conference also provides a platform for local scientific corporations to showcase new technologies to the international community,” said Prof. Dr. Sheila Nathan (Secretary General of FAOBMB). Prior to the Conference, 36 rising stars from six continents will be given the opportunity to share their outstanding research findings at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus as part of the Young Scientist Programme (YSP), to be held on 15-18 August 2019. Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Augustine Ong, President of the Malaysian Oil Scientists and Technologists (MOSTA) highlighted the importance of attracting young scientists to contribute new ideas to the field in order to solve scientific and medical-related issues. “Malaysia has continuously been at the forefront of tropical medicine research, with ground-breaking discoveries in combating dengue and Nipah virus infection. The country is always in need of bright, innovative talents.“

Two other societies participating in FAOBMBKL2019 are the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World, Malaysia Chapter (OWSD-MC) and the College of Pathologist, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia. This event is supported by the Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), a unit established by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture Malaysia (MOTAC), Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), Veterinary Association Malaysia (VAM) and L’oreal (Malaysia). FAOBMBKL2019 is expected to attract more than 500 participants comprising of researchers, academics, students, industry professionals and government officials from the Asia-Pacific region.

Further information:

27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference Website