Project Collab

What is Project Collab?
Project Collab is part of our effort to foster research collaborations between scientific researchers in Malaysia and abroad. As part of this project, we compile the research profiles of participating scientists and their contact details into a directory style listing – to make it easier for other researchers to browse or search for someone to collaborate with.

Participating scientists will also be featured in our free Scientific Malaysian Magazine, which is published 3 times a year and circulated worldwide. Given that our website (including the Project Collab directory) is indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing, your participation in Project Collab will greatly increase the exposure of your research profile to the public.

Who can take part in Project Collab?

  • Malaysian researchers working abroad
  • Malaysian and non-Malaysian researchers working in Malaysia
  • Non-Malaysian researchers working overseas (who are interested in collaborating with researchers in Malaysia)
  • Funding bodies with research grant for local/overseas Malaysian researchers can also advertise their funding opportunities here.

How to take part in Project Collab?

Project Collab Directory – Browse and search our directory of researchers here.

Get listed on Project Collab Directory – Submit your listing here if you would like to be featured in our directory.

 Photo credit: Charis Loke